Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Sorry about the lack of posts. I was on vacation in Montreal, and had sworn off any electronic devices, except for a cell phone and my friend Chris's stereo. The purpose of the trip was to attend John and Daphne's wedding. Dinner was 14 courses, including shark fin soup, which I am told is a delicacy and a commonly used guage of how much was spent on the wedding.

Being from Montreal, I had a list of old haunts to visit, few of which I actually managed to grace with my west cost ambient presence. I did get to eat a big plate with pickles, fries and cherry cola at Schwartz's, dance to minimalist techno at Sona, and even pay a vist to my old school.

Montrealers love to party, and I was sucked into their world of non-stop good time rolling for 10 days. I had to check out for a weekend in the Eastern Townships, where my parents have rented a cottage on Lac Massawippi.

Now I am back in the grey cubicle, hiding behind my low walls ( part of the "open office" plan) just riding it out until the end of the quarter. The pressure for management will start to rise this week, and they will definitely disable the air conditioning....

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