Sunday, February 18, 2007

Given the infrequency with which I post on this blog, I often wonder why I even bothered to post at all over the last 6 years. I have few regular readers, and even fewer comments. I suppose, however, that I have gotten from this blog all that I put in, which was occassionally very little.

When we moved to Dublin last year, I set up a typepad account, really just so I could track who was coming to my blog and from where. How vain.

But on those days at work when I stare out into the M50 from my glass cage and wonder why I am here, I sometimes scroll through my old posts and find a gem that perfectly captured something I was feeling years ago.

I have since cancelled the typepad account, and added this blog to


keane166 said...

A.Smith..........great blog! (though telling Roger Daltrey to hang it up is blasphemous [sic?]....)

I thought the blog had died when you left Van, so I hadn't seen it in a year

see you at the Police concert in Croker


Andrew said...

come on...Daltrey is done. John Entwistle is dead. Do like Gretzky and go while you are still healthy